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Guatemala Finca Capetillo

<p>Finca Capetillo is located in the Antigua Valley between the Agua, Fuego, and Acatenango volcanoes. Capetillo’s coffee has the Antigua Guatemala denomination of origin and is a member of the Antigua Coffee Producers Association (APCA), which certifies the origin of all the coffee produced within a strictly determined area. The Antigua region has ideal coffee growing conditions. The high altitude, mild temperatures of 20 to 26˚C during the day and 10 to18˚C during the night, perfect rain patterns during the year and rich volcanic soil, provide a unique ecosystem for growing coffee. </p> <p>The finca, owned by Pedro Echeverria (6th generation), has its own wet &amp; dry-mill located close to the village of Alotenango. This year we bought a fine ‘Bourbon’ lot from Capetillo that represents the quality coffee they grow and produce year after year. </p> <p><strong>REGION:</strong> antgua (sacatepequez</p> <p><strong>LOT:</strong> 'bourbon' (shb - ep)</p> <p></p>
Price €10.18

Guatemala Los Chorros

<p class="MsoNormal"><span lang="en-us" xml:lang="en-us">The Huehuetenango region in the North-West of Guatemala, in the direction of Mexico, counts many high-altitude farms. Conditions are great to grow high quality specialty coffee. Los Chorros located in the Niya village (San Pedro Necta municipality) has a clay loam soil and grows Bourbon, Caturra and Catuai varieties.</span></p><p></p>
Price €9.86